martes, 28 de diciembre de 2010

The Union Jack

The Union Flag, commonly known as the "Union Jack", is made up of three other flags. It is the flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and symbolises the administrative union of the countries that are part of the United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland and Northen Ireland).

So can you guess which flags together form the Union Jack?

The cross of St. George, that is the national flag of England.
The cross of St. Andrew, that is the national flag of Scotland.

The cross of St. Patrick, that represents Northern Ireland.

But then, how is Wales represented in the Union Jack? As Wales was not a Kingdom, but a Principality it could not be included on the flag. 
Here you have the national flag of Wales.

lunes, 27 de diciembre de 2010

The Isle of Skye

Here you have a video to learn more details and facts about one of the most beautiful and stunning islands of the Hebrides in Scotland, the Isle of Skye. The perfect place to go hikking and to enjoy a breathtaking and amazing scenery.
Would you like to visit the Isle of Sky? Why? Why not? Have you visited other places in Scotland?

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What do you know about the culture and traditions of Ireland, The UK, Australia or The USA? There is a world beyond drinking tea and eating cucumber sandwiches. Come and join us to explore the marvels these countries can offer.
This blog is for curious students of English as a second language to know more and more about the culture and traditions of the English-speaking countries. Here you can learn and know about cinema, art, festivities, traditions, news...and anything that may be interesting and worth knowing.